ATS: acerca de las recientes tragedias
7 de August de 2019
Compartimos con los colegas miembros de la ALAT este mensaje central de ATS —sociedad científica hermana y referente mundial en salud respiratoria—, con las reflexiones y el compromiso que nos une a todos por igual.
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
The recent tragedies in El Paso, Dayton, San Francisco Bay and Brooklyn force us to question where we are going as a society, and more broadly, as a civilization.
As a medical society we are deeply concerned about the impact of these ghastly events and their long-term repercussions. Thousands of our members are critical care specialists, and they see far too many victims of this type of irrational, unexplainable violence.
And that begs the question: what is the role of a medical society in the wake of such recurring public health threats?
Let’s start with science. The ATS is part of a broader coalition of medical societies that have called upon Congress to remove the ban on the CDC conducting gun violence prevention research. Allowing the CDC and other federal agencies to fund quality research on the issue of gun violence and gun-violence prevention should be an action everyone can support. It’s a small step--but an important one.
In addition, we must pursue our mission more aggressively than ever:
- Advance knowledge and patient care.
- Provide the resources that help train the specialists who will treat the victims.
- Reaffirm that the acts of a few do not represent the beliefs of the many.
The ATS stands for inclusiveness of all people, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. We embrace the value of the many different voices that make up the United States … and the world. That commitment is stronger than ever.
Our heart-felt condolences go out to the victims, their families, and everyone around the world affected by these events.
James M. Beck, MD, ATSF, President
Juan C. Celedón, MD, DrPH, ATSF, President-Elect
Polly E. Parsons, MD, ATSF, Immediate Past President
Lynn M. Schnapp, MD, ATSF, Vice President
Gregory P. Downey, MD, ATSF, Secretary-Treasurer
Karen Collishaw, MPP, CAE, Executive Director
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