Sex-related differences in COPD in five Latin American cities: the PLATINO study


7 de September de 2017

M.V. López Varela, M. Montes de Oca, R.J. Halbert, A. Muiño, R. Pérez–Padilla, C. Tálamo, J.R.B. Jardim, G. Valdivia, J. Pertuzé, D. Moreno and A.M.B. Menezes for the PLATINO Team

Eur Respir J 2010; 36: 1034–1041
DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00165409
Copyright ERS 2010

ABSTRACT: There is evidence to suggest sex differences exists in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) clinical expression. We investigated sex differences in health status perception, dyspnoea and physical activity, and factors that explain these differences using an epidemiological sample of subjects with and without COPD.
PLATINO is a cross-sectional, population–based study. We defined COPD as post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity ratio ,0.70, and  evaluated health status perception [Short Form (SF)-12 questionnaire] and dyspnoea (Medical Research Council scale). Among 5,314 subjects, 759 (362 females) had COPD and 4,555 (2,850 females) did not. In general, females reported more dyspnoea and physical limitation than males. 54% of females without COPD reported a dyspnoea score O2 versus 35% of males. A similar trend was observed in females with COPD (63% versus 44%). In the entire study population, female sex was a factor explaining dyspnoea (OR 1.60, 95%CI 1.40–1.84) and SF-12 physical score (OR -1.13, 95%CI -1.56– -0.71). 40% of females versus 28% of males without COPD reported their general health status as fair–to–poor. Females with COPD showed a similar trend (41% versus 34%). Distribution of COPD severity was similar between sexes, but currently smoking females had more severe COPD than currently smoking males.
There are important sex differences in the impact that COPD has on the perception of dyspnoea, health status and physical activity limitation.
KEYWORDS: Chronic pulmonary disease, epidemiology, health status, sex, susceptibility.

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