COPD Screening in Primary Care in Four Latin American Countries: Methodology of the PUMA Study

COPD Screening in Primary Care in Four Latin American Countries: Methodology of the PUMA Study
Eduardo Schiavi,a,∗ Roberto Stirbulov,b Ramón Hernández Vecino,c Sandra Mercurio,d Valentina Di Bosciod, on behalf of the Puma Teame
a Hospital de Rehabilitación Respiratoria “María Ferrer”, Buenos Aires, Argentina
b Departamento de Neumología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Santa Casa de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
c Departamento Médico, AstraZeneca LatAm, Miami, United States
d Departamento Médico, AstraZeneca S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
e Details of the members of the PUMA team, the list of Steering Committee members and names of the National Study Coordinators can be found in the Acknowledgements section
Arch Bronconeumol. 2014;50(11):469–474
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